The gauge can be cooled down by deactivating these gears, but if the gauge reaches maximum, the overheat will prevent Mega Man from using the Double Gear again until after the cooldown has ended.

Which slowly builds up the longer he uses a gear. PS4: L1 for Power Gear and R1 for Speed Gear) The Gears have a nasty side effect, though as a gear is being used, Mega Man starts to overheat as indicated by a gauge above him. This is activated by pressing the front shoulder buttons on a controller based on the Gear Position (ex. The system allows Mega Man to possess two new abilities, those being the “Speed Gear” for slowing down time, and the “Power Gear” for Mega Man to charge a more powerful Charge Shot, shoot two charged shots together, and even power-up his Special Weapons as previously seen on the announcement and pre-order trailers. New to the series is the Double Gear System. Mega Man 11 features the usual gameplay of the classic Mega Man games, with a new feature.

The stages look great, the graphics are colorful, the music is super catchy, every weapon is a delight to use, the bosses are interesting, and now you actually have a compelling reason to use the boss weapons in-stage. The game also features difficulty settings, last seen in Mega Man 10, expanding upon them for a total of four: Newcomer, Casual, Normal, and Superhero. The game has additional features including Time Trials, Missions, Global Leaderboards, a character gallery and more. Mega Man 11 also features a variety of extra modes including time trials, missions, global leaderboards, a gallery of concept art, and more! The game brings back several features such as voice acting and a 2.5D graphic style from previous games throughout the Mega Man franchise.